I wrote the following a couple weeks ago, before arriving in South France, and coming down with Covid 🙁 I tested positive, and had pretty severe symptoms for over a week, but am coming around finally. I will get back on the regular email train soon, so stay tuned.
We are adding a link to Sharons Facebook Photos page, so you can see some of the beautiful sights we have seen. She is going to start adding captions where appropriate, so you know what you are looking at. Thanks for understanding and please stay well!!
It’s going to be a Looong journey, and there are a few stops along the way, so we hope you enjoy the trip. And to explain this initial post, and the really late edition of the trip so far, I tested positive for Covid the day after we arrived in So France, and it has been literally kicking my Butt. I am on the mend now, but Sharon has a pretty nasty cold, even though she is still testing negative. I will be sending a couple updates in the next week or so, so stay tuned.
We left our home in Everett on Jan 19, and had planned to spend a week with my daughter in NY. Unfortunately we found out the day before we were scheduled to fly on the 19th, that she tested positive for Covid again, for the 3rd time in 2+ years, and the 2nd time in less than 3 months 🙁
So we had to change our plans. But we needed to go to NY to get our passports, which were couriered to her from the Visa office in Wa DC, after our work Visas were approved (that’s another story entirely, but that will have to be detailed in the book :-0.
So, instead of spending the week in NY, we decided to do so in London, since Sharon had never been, and it is an Awesome city!!
And before we actually head to France, we are first going to stop off and visit my other daughter, Camille, in Luxembourg. She has been kind enough offer to loan us her car until we can buy our own.
I am including a few pics of our stay in Chelsea, where we are staying for the week. We found a nice little (& I mean Little) hotel room, for a Very reasonable price, that includes a washer/dryer combo, a 2 burner stovetop, fridge & microwave, so we can enjoy some incredible yogurt & fruit, coffee and wonderful local pastries in our room, before heading out to walk the city. We are averaging 6-7 miles a day, so we are definitely getting our steps in.
Yesterday we decided to go see Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and that general area. We took one of those double decker buses (with no driver on the top:-), and walked the area for a few hours. Of course we had to stop at The Albert, one of London’s legendary pubs, for a half-pint and a nosh, before heading back to Chelsea for the evening.
The first 2 pics are of Westminster Cathedral and Westminster Abbey and Big Ben, and the next 2 are of 2 different directional views from our hotel.

After our week in London, we headed to Luxembourg to spend a week with my daughter Camille, and I will send more pics soon. But for even more (And Better) pictures, please send a FB friend request to Sharon, if you already friends, as she takes a Zillion pics and posts the frequently!
Rester en bonne santé…
À bientôt, j’espère!
Thank you Marta. Hope to see you at some point over here!
Such a beautiful adventure you are on! Looking forward to following your journey. Stay well my friend.
Thanks and we are loooking forward to seeing you at some point!
Covid is a bummer but your journey sounds exciting. Recalls our love of London. Affectionate vibes from Seattle ‘ & Carol & Bob Robins.
Glad we’re able to tag along… the photos are really terrific and I hope they continue as you get settled down in the ,as the French say, “ your new digs.”
We are getting there, and should be able to start posting weekly soon.
Man, this cat is “Twisted”! ; )
Not sure which “cat” you are referring to. Oh, and BTW, thanks for pointing out that the “Subscribe” button was Not on the mobile app. That has been fixed now.
Intense jealousy abounds. Our plans for 2023 are set, but we will strive to visit in 2024, while i am still able to travel.
I should visit NCB, just to look in on them and to see that they are keeping the flame.
My fondest wishes for your new adventure, you get points for just taking the adventure.
Above all, enjoy it!
–rick & betty
I’m so sorry you got Covid Ray! And Sharon- maybe you got Lucky? Beautiful pictures. Thank you for writing!! Love to you both. -Kim
Thanks so much friend. See you in 2024 then 🙂
So sorry for the delayed reply, but thanks for reaching out. Miss you Lots!!
Been really busy trying to get the new place ready to open this summer.
Looking forward to your Newsletter, photos and all your adventures!
Cheryl & Mike
Man, so sorry about the covid. This thing ain’t going away! Looking forward to reading about your continuing adventure, and of course, Sharon’s photos. Went to the Bistro last night and missed seeing you both there. Wishing you both good health!!
So sorry for the delayed reply, but thanks for reaching out.
We miss you all Lots!!
We have been really busy exploring and getting to know the area and trying to get the new place ready to open this summer.
We’ve been thinking so much about you. Hoping you are having a wonderful time. It’s great hearing your travels! Stay well now. We send our love.
Lori & Steve
So sorry for the delayed reply, but thanks for reaching out.
We miss you both Lots!!
We have been really busy exploring and getting to know the area and trying to get the new place ready to open this summer.
Should be ready by June or July!
Wonderful adventure you are on Ray & Sharon!
Rick and I have been to North City Bistro twice, and of course I was dancing in the hallway. And Gail Pettis danced with me too! New owners are fabulous!
Maybe we will see you in France one day! Our friend’s daughter is graduating from an art school in Paris next year!
Wish you the very best! Take care.
So sorry for the delayed reply, but thanks for reaching out.
We miss you all Lots!!
We have been really busy exploring and getting to know the area and trying to get the new place ready to open this summer.